Committment to Safety
Metwest is committed to ensuring all our workplaces are operated at the highest level of safety performance.
Over the last three years Metwest Engineering has worked on over 16 projects for a total of 901,472 hours with no Lost Time Injuries.
Metwest has achieved this high level of performance by our commitment to maintain a certified WHS system to:
- AS/NZS 4801:2001.
The objectives are to operate workplaces that are:
- Incident / Accident free;
- Injury free at all times.
All incidents / accidents that do occur will be investigated to ensure the causes have been identified and are removed or are controlled to a low level of risk.
Workplaces will be continually inspected to ensure they are free of hazards or are controlled to the lowest level of risk possible. Through our continual improvement we will aim at the elimination of work related injuries and illnesses.
Metwest will ensure our employees are consulted at all times in regard to workplace safety. The employees doing the work are the ones who need to take ownership of safety in the workplace.
Where hazards have the potential to affect the health of our employees we will undertake a program of health surveillance to ensure there are no health impacts.
To provide a safe workplace so that Metwest Engineering’s operations do not cause injury or harm to health.
Workplace Health and Safety Policy
Workplace injury and disease are preventable. A safe and healthy workplace is fundamental to responsible organisational management and the operation of a successful business enterprise.
Metwest will:
- Ensure the pursuit of excellence in customer service does not jeopardise the safety or health of our employees, contractors or the public.
- Place the health, safety and well-being of our employees, contractors and the public ahead of protecting equipment and services.
- Hold managers accountable for providing a safe environment for their teams to work in.
- Encourage genuine participation by all employees and their representatives to share ownership and accountability for health and safety.
- Encourage a mindset of continuous improvement in health and safety in day-to-day activities.
- Entrench behaviours that focus on eliminating workplace injury and disease.
- Comply with the requirements of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 and Workplace Health and Safety Regulations 2011.
- Provide for the making of a Health & Safety agreement between Metwest and employee representatives.
- Implement a safety team made up of employee representatives to manage workplace safety, work related injury and illness to maximise the potential of return to work.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Metwest Engineering is committed to protecting the health and safety of all employees and others who may carry out work on our behalf or who are associated with our activities. This includes protection from incidents, accidents and injuries arising from the misuse of drugs or alcohol. It is the responsibility of all Metwest Engineering people to
ensure the requirements of this Policy are followed.
In order to meet the requirements of the Policy Metwest Engineering will;
- Ensure the objectives of their Policy are integrated into work practices.
- Prohibit the use, consumption, sale and possession of illegal narcotics, drugs and controlled substances on company premises, work sites and in company supplied vehicles.
- Prohibit the consumption, sale and possession of alcohol on Company premises, except as may be specifically authorised by senior Metwest Engineering management for company related functions or social events.
- Identify and assess risks arising from the inappropriate use of drugs or alcohol.
- Implement effective control strategies to manage risks arising from the misuse of drugs or alcohol.
- Focus control strategies on assessment of job performance and safety behaviour.
- Accept that addiction to drugs and/or alcohol is an illness and encourage rehabilitation in conjunction with the Company’s Employment Assistance Program.
- Provide all staff and employees with information and support so issues associated with misuse of drugs or alcohol can be managed effectively.
- Treat the possession, distribution and sale of drugs and alcohol at the workplace as a serious offence that could result in dismissal.
- Comply with the requirements of customers’ and clients’ drug and alcohol policies, which may include pre-engagement and random testing.
- This signed statement confirms our personal commitment to this Policy.
Environmental Policy
Metwest are committed to ensuring that our operations are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner at all times.
Metwest will achieve this status by our commitment to implement and maintain an Environmental Management System, which will be certified to the international standard:
- AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management.
Within this management system we will maintain an Environmental Management Plan that identifies any environmental impacts that may occur from our business activities.
These impacts will be eliminated or controlled to the lowest possible level of risk.
Our prime objective is to ensure that our workplaces are free of any environmental incidents that impact the environmental receptors of air, water, soil, natural resources and people. We will continually improve our environmental performance and will at all times prevent pollution. Metwest Engineering is an active participant in the Green Fleet
scheme which makes our organisation Carbon Neutral.
Our Employees will be trained to know what work activities can affect the environment and to ensure they work in the most controlled manner at all times.
Each month we will review our environmental performance.