Metwest Engineering has been authorised by the NSW Transport Asset Standards Authority to deliver engineering services. In house engineering coupled with a design and fabrication facility makes it easy to bring your designs and concepts together though one shop. We offer services across multiple engineering disciplines.
Metwest Engineering also supply certified professional engineering and project management staff to your organisation to help with your project, from procurement through to project management and completion. Disciplines include:
- Signalling and Control Systems
- Communications
- Civil – CSR (Combined Service Route)
- Civil Bridges and Structures
- Civil – Drainage and Hydrology
- Electrical – High Voltage Aerial Feeders
- Electrical – High Voltage Cables
- Electrical – Traction Substation and Sectioning Hut
- Electrical – Distribution systems
- Electrical – OHW (Overhead Wiring)
- Electrical – LV Power Systems and LV Protection
Metwest has experience and authority across various lifecycle stages:
- Concept – SRS Development
- Concept – Concept Reference Design
- Design – Preliminary Design
- Design – Detailed Design to AFC
- Fabricate/Manufacturing – Material Procurement
- Fabricate/Manufacturing – Manufacturing/Fabrication
- Install – Construction/Installation
- Integrate, Test, Commissioning – Subsystem Integration
- Integrate, Test, Commissioning – Testing and Commissioning
- Integrate, Test, Commissioning – Acceptance Services
- Asset Maintenance – Plan Asset Maintenance
- Asset Maintenance – Conduct Asset Condition Surveys
- Disposal – Plan Decommissioning and Disposal
- Disposal – Conduct Decommissioning and Disposal
Planning to Development
MWE have the experience in-house to bring projects to life from concept, to design to production.
MWe thoroughly understands the project before commencement to ensure product deadlines
With an onsite factory working 24 hours a day, we can produce the product in-house.
Being able to install with our experienced project management team and support staff.